Philosophy of Chiropractic
Traditional chiropractic philosophy holds that the body functions as a unit, and that to re-establish and maintain health it is necessary to address its structural, biochemical and emotional dimensions.
Chiropractors are licensed doctors who have undergone a rigorous four-year course of study following a minimum of two years of college science prerequisites. Chiropractic schools in the United States are fully accredited at the university level. In fact, chiropractic education is identical to medical education in many ways: chiropractic students must take the same number and type of advanced science courses as medical students, including biochemistry, physiology, gross anatomy, pathology and laboratory analysis. Chiropractic schools also require the study of nutrition.
In Texas, doctors of chiropractic (DC) are specifically licensed to diagnose medical conditions, draw blood, order all appropriate laboratory tests, and recommend dietary changes and nutritional or herbal supplements. If they have completed the appropriate post-graduate training, they are licensed to perform acupuncture. They do not prescribe drugs since traditional chiropractic philosophy has embraced a natural, and therefore drug-free, approach to health. This may change in the future as a few states (but not Texas) provide limited prescription rights for licensed chiropractors.
Unlike doctors of chiropractic, doctors of naturopathy (ND) and nutritional counselors are not licensed by the State of Texas. Although there are four accredited naturopathic schools in this country, many naturopaths have received their ND diploma and board certification through mail order schools that do not guarantee any professional standards.
Throughout most of the 20th century, chiropractors were truly holistic healthcare providers. However, because the current managed care environment has embraced chiropractic only as a treatment for back pain, neck pain and headaches, and also because chiropractic adjustments have been proven to be very effective for these conditions, many chiropractors have chosen to deal only with the structural aspect of chiropractic care.
Dr. Volpe has chosen to be true to the traditional chiropractic philosophy and to always treat the whole person. He employs natural therapies within the scope of his license on a patient-appropriate basis, including functional health assessment through laboratory testing, clinical nutrition, and EEG neurofeedback. His goal is to help his patients maintain or achieve good health through an educational, drug-free and holistic approach.