Lois Lang’s Luscious Bread

This bread resembles a moist whole wheat bread. It slices nicely, can be toasted and can also be used for grilled sandwiches.

2-1/2 cups almonds, blanched and finely ground (almond flour)
1/4 to 1/3 cup melted butter (use ghee or coconut oil if on a dairy-free diet)
1 cup dry curd cottage cheese (press down as you measure); omit or replace with prunes or other substitute if on a dairy-free diet
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
3 eggs

Preheat oven to 350F. Place eggs, melted butter, cottage cheese, baking soda, and salt in food processor using metal blade. Process until the mixture is thick and resembles butter in texture. Add almond flour and process until mixed thoroughly. If the stiffness of the mixture stops the processor, remove the dough with wet hands and knead by hand until almond flour is thoroughly mixed into other ingredients.

Grease loaf pan (about 4″ x 8″) generously with butter and coat bottom with almond flour. Using wet hands, shape dough into a loaf shape and press into greased pan. Bake at 350-375F for about 1 hour until lightly browned on top. There will be a crack on the top of the loaf. Check by inserting a metal kitchen knife; it will come out clean when the bread is done. Remove from oven and run a metal spatula around the sides of the pan pressing gently against the loaf to loosen it at the corners and bottom of pan.

Remove bread from pan by inverting the pan onto a cake rack. Allow to cool thoroughly before you cut it.

Zucchini Milk

from The Allergy Self Help Cookbook by Marjorie Hurt Jones

Zucchini milk is a versatile liquid that’s ideal for making bread, cakes, and cream soups. Make the milk when zucchini are in season and freeze it in one-cup containers. For a pale, off-white milk, peel the zucchini thickly (or double peel). Unpeeled zucchini will result in green milk.

You will need 2-1/2 pounds firm zucchini, peeled and cut into chunks.

Place enough zucchini in a blender to fill it about one-quarter full. Process to a thick, smooth liquid. Pour into a large saucepan. Repeat until all the zucchini is pureed and in the saucepan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat and cook for one minute. Cool briefly and pour into one-cup jars. Store in the refrigerator for up to one week or in the freezer for up to one year.

Hemochromatosis and iron toxicity

Hemochromatosis is the third most common genetic defect in the United States, affecting one in 150 people. It causes iron to accumulate in the body until it reaches toxic levels and damages the liver, kidneys or heart. This life-threatening disorder does not produce early symptoms, and it is not uncommon for people with hemochromatosis to first learn about it when they are rushed to the hospital.

However, those with this condition can live full and healthy lives if it is identified early and blood iron levels are kept under control and closely monitored. Making regular blood donations is a simple way to keep iron levels down. In addition, the dietary supplement IP6, a rice bran derivative, helps leach excess iron from the body. For more information on IP6, see lewrockwell.com/orig/sardi10.html.

Hemochromatosis is so often missed simply because doctors do not screen for it routinely, even though testing iron level costs only pennies. The reason why this test is so rarely performed is probably linked to the fact that there is no drug treatment for hemochromatosis. I do not believe in conspiracies, but it often seems that it is the pharmaceutical giants that drive medicine today.

Fish safety, mercury and PCBs

In recent months we have all heard a lot about fish safety concerns. The issue is confusing, because while there are studies that show hazards, other studies continue to identify health benefits associated with eating fish. What should we do?

In one study, 48 cans of tuna bought at large chain stores, including Whole Foods, were analyzed for mercury content. 16 were found to contain twice or more the amount of mercury considered “safe” by the FDA. (Nutrition Week, June 30, 2003;31(13):6, see also www.mercurypolicy.com).

You may wonder how significant this really is to your health. According to the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, mercury is the most toxic substance in the United States, and is the third most frequently found after lead and arsenic (see www.atsdr.cdc.gov/clist.html).

Another report from the July 30, 2003 edition of The New York Times indicates that farm-raised salmon – which includes all the Atlantic salmon in stores – is high in PCBs, highly toxic chemical wastes. PCBs have been shown to cause cancer at very low concentrations and also have detrimental effects on the nervous system, affecting memory, focus, and ability to learn. For more information on the effects of PCBs on health, visit www.epa.gov/opptintr/pcb/effects.htm.

Some nutrition experts have concluded that, to ensure our safety, we should eliminate all fish from our diet. I disagree, because this position implies that other foods are pristine and that just replacing fish with something else will benefit our health. Unfortunately this is far from true. We need to become well-informed shoppers because fish, when carefully chosen, can be health-enhancing.

Other studies continue to show benefits, including lower cancer rates in people who regularly consume fish. This seems very confusing, but it makes sense when you realize that fish is a rich source of protein (amino acids) that help strengthen the immune system and provide tools our bodies need to cope with environmental toxins – ironic, but true. An example of this is the dietary supplement Seacure, which is made from predigested fish protein. Independent studies have shown that Seacure can help people with irritable bowel syndrome and other conditions. The Pacific whitefish supply used to make Seacure is tested regularly and found to be free of contaminants. You can read about Seacure at www.seacure.biz.

The solution to this dilemma is to select the fish we eat very carefully. There are types of fish that are relatively uncontaminated, enabling us to draw the benefits from this valuable food source while avoiding unnecessary and potentially dangerous exposure to toxins. Possibly the best choice is true wild Alaskan salmon. To be sure you get the cleanest, order it from www.vitalchoice.com, a group that closely monitors the quality of their products, or other reliable sources. In general, I recommend avoiding large predator fish, including swordfish and tuna, bottom feeders (including flounder) and all farm-raised fish. The cleanest fish might well be those from the Pacific Northwest.

Vitamin D: is it the missing link in (bone) health?

Most women past the age of menopause have probably been offered one of several drugs to treat or prevent osteoporosis. These drugs work primarily by inhibiting hormones like parathyroid, although in most cases these hormones are at healthy levels and are not what causes bone loss. The drugs may well lead to stronger bones, but toxicity and side effects are a real concern.

All of us know about the importance of calcium for bone growth in children and healthy bones in adults. However taking calcium alone has not been shown to help reduce bone loss and osteoporosis. One reason is that the body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium and deposit it in bones.

A recent study showed that taking 800 to 900 IU of vitamin D in addition to 1,200-1,300 mg of calcium resulted in increased bone density in both younger and older postmenopausal women. The study also revealed that vitamin D deficiency was widespread among aging individuals. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamin D and calcium would seem to be a reasonable first step in manag ing osteoporosis before even considering drugs that cause undesirable hormone disruption (J Women’s Health (Larchmnt) 2003 Mar; 12:2: 151-6).

Unlike other vitamins, our bodies can make Vitamin D. The skin has enzymes that, when exposed to the ultraviolet rays of the sun, convert cholesterol into Vitamin D. We also obtain some Vitamin D from food, but since the amount we get from the sun can vary a great deal, it is a challenge to determine exactly how much Vitamin D we need from our food or supplements.

The US recommended daily allowance (RDA) is 400 international units (10mcg) daily from infancy to adulthood, and it was long thought that intakes exceeding 2,000 IU daily posed a risk of toxicity. However, expert opinion is shifting on this point since it has become apparent that the body can make many times more Vitamin D from even brief exposure to the sun.

Deficiency of Vitamin D is probably becoming more common in part because of widespread use of sunblocks that interfere with the skin’s ability to synthesize this vitamin. Large doses of Vitamin A, while beneficial in certain cases, can also induce a deficiency of Vitamin D if the levels of the two vitamins are not monitored and maintained in proper balance.

Studies have also shown that Vitamin D plays a central role in regulating the immune system. People with low blood levels of Vitamin D have been shown to have a higher occurrence of numerous cancers, including prostate, breast, colon, and others. The rate of autoimmune disease is higher in those who are deficient in this important vitamin.

Regular but sensible exposure to the sun may be the best way to ensure adequate stores of Vitamin D. Individuals at risk for osteoporosis, those who take Vitamin A supplements, or those with immune system disorders should ask their healthcare professional to order a simple test called 25-hydroxy-vitamin D to help determine their level of this important vitamin.

The Calcium Story, Part I

More and more of us are finding that eliminating dairy from our diet can help solve chronic health problems. Children stop having ear infections, digestive problems or constipation suddenly improve, and asthma, headaches and even depression may finally come to an end with just this simple step.

I am not suggesting that milk is always bad, or that everyone should avoid it, but those who are sensitive to it are better off without it. This is not an indictment of milk itself, but of the
modern production techniques that have altered an otherwise perfectly healthy food.

The next question on many people’s minds is: how can I get enough calcium without milk? The calcium story is a bit more complicated than just counting the number of milligrams consumed per day, but the good news is that there are many excellent sources of calcium aside from milk.

The first point to keep in mind is that the body cannot use calcium by itself. Without enough Vitamin D, for example, we cannot adequately absorb and utilize calcium. Bones also need other important minerals, and taking too much calcium alone can be actually damage our health by causing acidity in blood and contributing to plaque buildup in arteries.

To promote ideal calcium absorption, a majority of our calcium should come from natural food sources, whether we consume dairy products or not. Calcium-rich foods don’t just contain calcium; they also contain many associated nutrients including minerals and proteins that promote optimal calcium utilization. This complex food synergy cannot be easily achieved by just taking supplements. Supplements are man-made and can never quite match the optimal balance of nutrients found in nature.

Most foods contain at least some calcium as this mineral is found everywhere in nature. Certain grains, seeds and green vegetables are very rich in calcium, with sesame seeds containing four times more calcium than milk. The seeds can be digested properly only if finely ground – it’s easy to grind them in an inexpensive coffee grinder at home and sprinkle them over salads or other foods, add them to drinks like smoothies, use in baking, etc. If you are concerned about your ability to fully digest these foods and absorb the calcium and other nutrients they contain, having them with a digestive enzyme might help.

One strategy to obtain enough calcium is to select several combinations of high-calcium foods you can include in your or your child’s diet on a rotating basis. Calculate the calcium content of each combination using the table at the end of this section. You may also take a well-balanc ed, high-quality calcium supplement every day to fulfill any residual need.

For example, on Day One you can have one cup of amaranth flour and a quarter of a cup of ground sesame seeds in your meals for a total of 750 mg of calcium. Add 250 mg of calcium from a supplement if you need to reach 1,000 mg.

On Day Two, have half a cup each of almonds, tofu and ground flaxseeds and reach roughly the same 750 mg of calcium. You will not be able to match exactly every day’s calcium intake, so just average it and remember: variety is the key to obtain not only calcium but also a wide range of synergistic nutrients!

The next question is how much calcium do we really need on a daily basis? Unfortunately there is no general consensus on this point. Although the US recommended daily allowances (RDA) are often very low and have been nicknamed “recommended deficiency allowances,” they are unusually high when it comes to calcium.

The U.S. RDA for calcium in children aged 1 to 10 is 800 mg per day, whereas in the United Kingdom the recommended intake is 350-550mg. In addition, other dietary factors affect

calcium balance. Sugar and caffeine cause excretion of calcium and other minerals from the body, so if the diet is high in these products you will need extra calcium to make up for the loss.

In my opinion, an intake in the range of 500 mg in children under the age of 11, roughly double that for children over 11 and 700 mg in adults is adequate as long as the diet is “clean”
and low in sugar, stimulants and other junk foods. Higher intakes of calcium should be considered in special cases, including osteoporosis. I have included both the U.S. and U.K.

RDAs for calcium to give you more information about target intakes.

Food/Calcium content (mg) per cup unless otherwise indicated.

Milk, whole/291
Milk, 2%/297
Milk, nonfat/302
Cottage cheese/150
Yogurt, plain/274

Currants, zante, dried/124
Figs, dried/269 per 10 figs

Amaranth grain, boiled/276
Amaranth flour/407
Carob flour/359
Cassava flour/193
Cottonseed flour (low fat)/1,080
Garbanzo flour/324
Quinoa flour/324
Rice bran/128
Soybean flour (low fat)/165
Sweet potato flour/115
Teff, grain or flour/407 (note: contains gluten)

Hummus spread/124
Black-eyed peas, boiled/212
Navy beans, boiled/128
White beans, boiled/161
Wax beans, cut, canned/174
Beet greens, boiled/165
Chard, Swiss, boiled/102
Dandelion greens, boiled/146
Kale, boiled/180
Mustard greens, frozen, boiled/150
Okra, boiled/100
Parsley, dried/912
Taro, Tahitian, cooked/202

Soybean products:
Firm tofu/516

Nuts, seeds and nut butters:
Almond butter/688
Brazil nuts/400
Cashew butter/96
Cottonseed flour, low-fat/1,080
Filberts (hazelnuts)/424
Macadamia nuts/160
Pistachios, shelled/304
Pumpkin seeds, dried/96
Safflower seeds, dried/176
Sesame seeds, whole/1,408
Soybean nuts, dry roasted/464
Sunflower seeds/272

Sea Vegetables:
Agar agar, dried/1,438
Arame, dried/2691
Carragheen, dried/2,036
Dulse, dried/681
Hijiki, dried/3,220
Kelp, raw/386
Kelp, dried/1,840
Wakame, dried/2,990

Fish and shellfish:
Salmon (canned)/167 per 3oz serving (includes bones)
Sardines (canned)/371 per 3oz serving (includes bones)
Oysters (raw)/226

Sources: mostly from “Calcium without the Cow” by Sally Rockwell, PhD, CCN. Other books by Dr. Rockwell include “Allergy-Free Baking Tips for Special Flours,” “Allergy Recipes” and “The Rotation Game,” all available from www.amazon.com.

Recommended daily allowances for Calcium

Category/Age (years)/US RDA (mg)/UK nutrient intakes (mg)
Infants/7-12 mo/400/535