Flu shots: to vaccinate or not to vaccinate?

As flu season has arrived once again, this question is bound to be in many of my readers’ mind. Every year people ask me what I do and my answer has not changed in decades, I take vitamin C. In fact, I have never had a flu shot in my life and have no plans to start doing so now.

I can be accused of being quite the vitamin C fan, but I can report in all honesty that the only times when I got the flu in my entire adult life are times when – for one reason or the other – I had stopped taking my vitamin C.

In fact I take vitamin C all year long. My usual dose is 1 gram per day in addition to what is in my multivitamin, but I increase that to 4 grams per day when the weather turns chilly and parents start to bring by my office their children with runny noses and a high temperature. Not only does vitamin C seem to protect me from the flu, it also keeps me from catching whatever it is that children with their runny noses, coughs, and fevers are bringing to my office.

When it comes to flu shots many people still think that – in spite of potential negatives – they do at least guarantee that you will not get the flu. However, nothing could be further from the truth. In fact I have known many people who got the flu from the vaccine or right after being vaccinated. Read More »

Vaccines, allergies and asthma. Is there more?

Vaccines are rightfully credited for bringing about major advances in public health. People of my age still remember growing up with stories of children who suffered horribly because they had polio. I grew up in Italy, and these stories were common. When the vaccine finally arrived and became available to all, parents were elated.

Is it possible that a good thing – if overdone – could lead to adverse results? Is it possible that lifesaving vaccines are now causing more harm than good?

For many parents of children with autism or ADHD who read this newsletter, there is no denying that too many vaccines can cause harm. So many of these parents witnessed a severe deterioration in their children’s ability to communicate or even function normally after they received a battery of vaccines, often to face denial or even ridicule from the medical establishment. Read More »

Catching happiness

Evidence has been mounting that chronic low-grade inflammation in the body plays a role in causing every modern malady: from cancer and heart disease, to brain disorders including Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism, and now it seems depression and anxiety too.

However, where this inflammation comes from is not always clear. A study now reveals that airborne pollutants lead to widespread inflammation in the body by activating a certain pro-inflammatory component of the immune system (read about this study here: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/04/110414131834.htm).

How we go from the immune system to the brain is a different story. In fact, modern medicine has long held that what happens in the immune system has no bearing on the nervous system or the brain. The reason is that the nervous system is protected by a so-called Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) that keeps the immune system and all of its components from making contact with the delicate structures of the brain.

This seems pretty clear-cut but things are often not as they seem. A fascinating new article in the journal New Scientist entitled “Happiness is catching” reveals that inflammation causes the BBB to break down

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, making it leaky and enabling components of the immune system to reach the brain with sometimes dramatic consequences. Read More »

Flu shots and respiratory complications from the flu

Parents continue to hear that they should vaccinate their children against the flu, and that they should do so especially if their children have asthma. However, an overlooked detail is that the effectiveness of flu shots in children with asthma has never been proven through research. A newly released study that for the first time evaluates the effectiveness of flu shots in children with asthma reaches very different conclusions. The study analyzed data from the past eight consecutive years and looked at the rate of hospitalization for respiratory complications from the flu among children who were or were not vaccinated and those who had and did not have asthma.

What the study found is nothing short of amazing. Among non-asthmatic children, being vaccinated led to a slightly higher – you read correctly, I didn’t mean lower – rate of hospitalization for complications from the flu. However, among asthmatic children the rate of hospitalization was three times higher for vaccinated children. In other words children were three times more likely to be hospitalized for respiratory complications of the flu if parents followed medical advice and had them vaccinated.
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Preventing Swine Flu and the flu in general, and avoiding vaccine side effects

Although to date the H1N1 (or “swine flu”) vaccine has not been released, there is already talk about it becoming mandatory. Concern among parents and others, including people who have not vaccinated before, is that this time they should.

When deciding whether to vaccinate of not, consider that even though swine flu has spread rapidly across the world, most people who had it experienced unusually mild flu symptoms. In rare cases it affects the lungs causing pneumonia, which could become life-threatening.

Though I believe that the risk of these severe complications can be all but eliminated with a few natural precautions, no one can prove definitively that this is so.

Also consider that the swine flu vaccine is not just the usual flu vaccine adapted to a new strain, it is a newly engineered vaccine. Given how quickly it is being developed, it is impossible to rule out the risk of potentially severe side effects that may only become apparent after the vaccine is released in the population.

There is a historic precedent to this. In 1976 the United States was hit by a similar swine flu virus and, just like today, there was a great deal of concern for its possible deadly consequences. Also just as we are seeing now, there was a huge rush to produce a vaccine that, once released, was found to cause an often-fatal neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS).
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Natural Treatments for Allergies, Colds and Flu, and Bacterial Infections

In this piece I am going to discuss several specific brand-name products, something I have not done in the past in my newsletter to avoid appearing commercial. On the other hand there is no other way for me convey this information without sharing with readers the products I have used in some cases for years and that have worked for me and for my patients.

Rest assured that this is not commercially driven and that no one is paying me to promote their products, something I would definitely find objectionable and would never agree to do. Further proof of this is that the products I mention are from different manufacturers and reflect the brands I have found to be most valuable for each application. You can search for the products I am recommending under their respective names and I am sure you will find different sources for each one of them. At the same time, these products are all available from my office or online store, which is a supplement website I started for the convenience of people ordering supplements from out of town and those who prefer online ordering.

As I am sure you noticed when reading the email reprinted above, diet plays a big role in strengthening the immune system, breaking the cycle of illness and strange as it may seem even reversing allergies to airborne substances like pollen or dust.
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Midwest mumps outbreak found to affect mostly vaccinated young adults

This is a good one: not only are vaccines laced with poisons, they don’t even work! During the recent and highly publicized mumps outbreak, a mother who had not had her children vaccinated called me in frenzy because her poor children were unprotected against this terrible disease. I told her that I had mumps as a child and was here to talk about it. She then called me back a while later, much calmer, to say that her mother also told her she had it and it wasn’t a big deal. See what drug company marketing is doing to us?

Interestingly, this recent outbreak affected the first generation of young adults who had received in childhood not one but two vaccines against the disease. The mumps also affected them at an age when there is a real risk of complications, which is insignificant during childhood.

I know what my solution to this would be…but I am afraid the authorities will end up mandating a third round of the vaccine.

Read more at http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-mumps24apr24,1,1137276.story

Are mercury-free vaccines really safer?

I hate to sound like a pessimist, but whenever a product is promoted as being free of some harmful ingredient, I am always suspicious that whatever is used as replacement is just as bad if not worse.

We’ve seen it with sugar-free drinks sweetened with aspartame, which turned out to be toxic to the brain. We’ve seen it cholesterol-free foods that turned out to be loaded with sugar and harmful trans-fats, and the list goes on. Could mercury-free vaccines be one more link in this chain?

This might sound like blasphemy to you, after all what could be worse than mercury? But how sure are you? Certainly no one put mercury in vaccines without a reason. The reason, as it turns out, is that mercury is a very good preservative (nothing can live in it) and, considering the alternatives, it is not especially toxic.

Aluminum hydroxide is one of the mercury replacements being used today. Aluminum, as you may know, is a substance already linked to Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.
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MSG in infant vaccines and baby formula

Everybody knows that MSG is a flavor-enhancing additive and we have all heard of “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome,” a reaction to MSG that causes sensitive people to get headaches, dizziness or other symptoms. Few of us realize, however, that MSG has been finding its way into most – if not all – packaged foods in steadily increasing amounts.

The reason is simple: start with bland, highly processed food, add some MSG and you end up with something that is sure to sell.

But MSG in infant vaccines? This sounds outrageous but somehow it’s true. The reason it’s added is not taste but some other stabilizing effect it is reported to have. If you are having trouble believing this, read about it on the government’s own website at http://www.cdc.gov/nip/vacsafe/concerns/gen/additives.htm. You might also like to know that MSG is in flu shots as well (along with mercury).
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New infant vaccine announced

Pharmaceutical giant Merck recently announced that, in response to “market demand,” it will soon release a new infant vaccine called ProQuad that is widely expected to replace the MMR. It will combine four live virus vaccines: measles, mumps, rubella and varicella (chicken pox).

From a purely practical standpoint, the more vaccines you combine, and the fewer the shots, the better; but is anyone at Merck thinking about what is this likely to do to the immune systems and development of susceptible infants?

Live viruses in vaccines are the very same ones that cause the diseases for which they immunize, except that they have been “attenuated” or weakened and supposedly made harmless in the laboratory. These weakened viruses lose the capacity to induce the actual disease, but they still carry markers that trigger an immune response and this later protects children from the actual disease.

This sounds just great, except that it doesn’t quite track what ends up happening to the live viruses once they’re injected into infants’ bodies. If they’re just harmlessly excreted, fine. But what if somehow they are able to mutate or cause a different kind of trouble in the presence of a weak immune system or other unknown risk factors?

Evidence that this can happen in susceptible individuals is mounting. Studies performed by Andrew Wakefield, MD and others show that the measles virus persists in the digestive tracts of autistic children whose only exposure to this disease was through vaccines. Once in the gut this virus is believed to cause chronic inflammation leading to classic symptoms of diarrhea, constipation and poor digestion so often seen in autism. Find a list of these studies at http://www.autismwebsite.com/ari/vaccine/MMRreferences.htm

Other interesting research shows that active viruses suppress the production of glutathione (GSH) in the body (J Biol Chem 1997 Jan 31; 272 (5): 2700-8). GSH is a protein the body makes and that it needs to eliminate a broad range of toxins from mercury to toxic chemicals. The inhibition of GSH is usually temporary, and after recovery from a virus the GSH production rapidly returns to baseline. But what if the virus persists, as Dr. Wakefield has shown can happen in autism? It is likely that this might lead to long-term GSH inhibition and may explain why chelation, a treatment to remove mercury and other metals, is so helpful for many autistic children.

An even better way to address this problem would be to exercise more caution with live virus vaccines, at least until all the answers are in!

A child-friendly vaccination schedule

(Note: see also “Are mercury-free vaccines really safer?” June 2006)

When it comes to vaccinating children, I think this is a decision parents should be able to make on their own. Unfortunately, once regulators establish vaccination policies and make it impossible for unvaccinated children to enroll in school the entire matter becomes more complicated.

If you are interested in working within the system but wish to take extra precautions to protect your children there are several things you can do.

The first is to delay all vaccines until your child is two, because at that age the immune system has achieved a greater level of maturity and there is a smaller risk of adverse effects.

The next is to avoid injecting multiple vaccines at one time, to the extent that this is possible. Remember that vaccines are combined for convenience’s sake, without adequate studies to support the safety of this practice.
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Are you ready for the next flu shot?

Although summer is just over, if you read newspapers or have children you’re probably all too aware of the upcoming flu season and the need to once again make a decision about the flu shot.

During the summer, while many of us were thinking about vacation or trips to the beach, the staffs at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and pharmaceutical companies were hard at work planning for a successful “immunization season.”

According to a recent article by Dr. Sherri Tenpenni, published on the online weekly magazine Red Flags (www.redflagsweekly.com), the CDC spent the last few months hatching a seven-step plan to insure high vaccination rates.

The plan includes disseminating posters, fliers and other documents, stressing the potential dangers ñ including death ñ of the flu, and releasing reports through the media “helping to foster the perception that many people are susceptible to a bad case of influenza.”

Personally, I have never had a flu shot; I take vitamin C. I used to think that vitamin C made me completely immune to the flu, but in a few instances I realized this wasn’t always true. I still think that vitamin C helps me resist the flu most of the time, even though I am exposed to it frequently because of my work. When I do catch it, it seems to be mild or at least short-lived.

Getting immunized for the flu is a decision we all need to make for ourselves, but in making this decision we may consider a few facts. If there is a risk of death from the flu, is it any greater than the risk of, say, being struck by lightening? And we need to also take into account what’s in the shot, aside from the active vaccine. Last year’s vaccine contained such additives as mercury, aluminum, antifreeze and a host of other chemicals that are toxic to the brain, immune system, and possibly other systems of the body as well.

The final question: does the vaccine even work? In case you’ve forgotten, last year’s vaccine was developed for the wrong strain of the virus and it turned out to be basically ineffective. On the other hand, natural products, including vitamin C, anti-viral herbs and immune-boosting supplements can help prevent the flu at least most of the time and have side benefits, rather than side effects.

To read the entire article about the CDC and its vaccination strategy go to http://www.redflagsweekly.com/conferences/vaccines/2004_aug30.html

Texas legislators pass new vaccine exemption, then try to repeal it

A large new health-care bill recently passed the Texas legislature and was signed into law by Governor Rick Perry. The law contains a provision to allow parents not to vaccinate their children on the basis of “philosophical objections.” Details can be found at www.vaccineinfo.net.

The passage of this law was a huge victory for all of us who believe that individuals should have the freedom to make critical decisions regarding their health and the health of their children. It also specifically prohibits any punitive action towards parents who choose not to vaccinate and guarantees that unvaccinated children can remain anonymous.

Unfortunately, as soon as it was passed, the law stirred a great deal of controversy that culminated in a new bill being submitted to repeal it. This bill was to be debated beginning on July 10 and at the time of this writing the outcome is unclear.

The controversy stemming from the new vaccine law is described in an article published on July 4 in the Houston Chronicle (see http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/health/1979746 ). The article quotes several prominent Texas physicians as saying that parents cannot be trusted to make such important decisions regarding their children’s health because they do not follow rational scientific criteria.

I think I am as much a fan of science as anyone, but I also recognize that current scientific knowledge reflects just our present best estimate of a given issue, not necessarily the truth. Somehow medicine has consistently failed to distinguish between truth and current scientific knowledge.

As a result, for example, for more than twenty years physicians strongly urged that all women past menopause take hormone replacement therapy because the studies of the day showed it would protect their bones as wells as their hearts and improve the quality of their lives. Later, more in-depth studies showed that these same hormones actually did the opposite. They caused heart disease, stroke, dementia and cancer, and did not even protect women from osteoporosis. I think a little humility in medicine might be appropriate.

If you are interested in reading about a safer alternative vaccination schedule I recommend the book What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Children’s Vaccinations by Stephanie Cave, MD available from your local bookstore or www.amazon.com.

Serious Adverse Reactions to Hepatitis B Vaccine Found to Outnumber Cases of the Disease

About ten years ago, the United States government recommended – and most states mandated – that infants should be vaccinated against hepatitis B before being discharged from the hospital after birth. Apparently, little consideration was given to the fact that this vaccine contained mercury as a preservative, or to the fact that infants may not have a sufficiently mature immune system for the vaccine to work appropriately. Hepatitis B is primarily a sexually transmitted disease, most common in promiscuous adults, and is also found in users of intravenous drugs. Historically, this disease has been rare among American children, with the highest incidence found among newborns whose mothers were infected.

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently released an independent analysis of government statistics on reported cases of serious adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine and cases of the disease in children. Looking at children under the age of 14, 872 serious adverse reactions to the hepatitis B vaccine were reported in 1996 alone, including 48 deaths. By contrast, only 279 cases of hepatitis B were reported nationwide in that age group in the same year. Considering children under the age of 5 from only 8 states, there were 106 serious adverse reactions in 1997, including 10 deaths, versus 25 cases of the disease.
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Article evaluates danger of mercury in vaccines

An article published last year in the journal NeuroToxicology (2001;22:691-697) reviews the evidence linking exposure to mercury from immunizations and developmental disorders in children. The authors of the article also have a website at http://www.safeminds.org where related information can be found.

Daily exposure to low levels of mercury was shown to have neurodevelopmental effects in infants, particularly in the domains of language, attention and memory. As a result, the EPA established reference exposure limits considered acceptable, recently adjusting them to 0.1 micrograms per kilogram (2.2 lbs) of weight per day. For example, the EPA limits would result in a maximum daily exposure of 0.9 micrograms of mercury for a twenty-pound child.

Thimerosal is a preservative utilized in the production of biological and pharmaceutical products, including vaccines, that contains roughly 50% mercury. Each dose of vaccine containing this preservative delivers 12.5 to 25 micrograms of mercury directly into an infant’s body. Since several vaccines are typically administered at once, it is possible for infants to have a bolus exposure of 50 to 62.5 micrograms at 2, 4, and 6 months of age with a cumulative maximum exposure of 187.5 micrograms in the first 6 months of life.

Little is known regarding the capability of infants’ bodies to excrete mercury, and several studies suggest that neonates up to 6 months of age do not excrete mercury at all due to immature liver function. Other factors may also determine the degree of mercury toxicity at a given level of exposure. For example, one study found a synergistic effect between low doses of mercury and “stress” caused by concurrent viral infections, other environmental factors and internal physiological states.

The article concludes that there is sufficient evidence to support the likelihood that mercury in vaccines may affect nervous system development in children. “These concerns are heightened by a recent report that found statistically significant associations between cumulative exposure to mercury-containing vaccines at 2 months of age and unspecified developmental delay; cumulative exposure at three months of age and tics; cumulative exposure at 1, 3 and 6 months of age and neurodevelopmental delays in general; and cumulative exposure at 6 months of age and attention deficit disorder.”

While mercury in vaccines has not been banned, it is gradually being phased out.

A brief history of measles

Dr. Leo Galland is a board-certified gastroenterologist and the author of an outstanding book entitled Power Healing (ISBN 0-375-75139-4). In it, he outlines a brief history of measles and some of the critical policy choices that modern medicine has faced as well as the decisions that have been made.

According to Dr. Galland, measles was the leading killer of children in nineteenth-century England. During the twentieth century – and long before the measles vaccine had become available – the severity of measles in the West began to decline. By mid-century most children contracted this disease, but very few died. It is now a well-known fact that the declining measles mortality rate in the West was due to an increased standard of living, which made fruits, vegetables and high-quality protein more widely available thereby increasing the amount of Vitamin A in the diet. As Dr. Galland points out, it has been known for over sixty years that Vitamin A deficiency is the main cause of mortality from measles.

In Africa, where malnutrition in children is widespread, measles remains a major killer even today. When aid programs introduced the measles vaccine in an effort to control this tragedy, mortality among children actually increased. This is believed to be a result of immune suppression induced by the vaccine and amplified by malnutrition. On the other hand, simply administering Vitamin A to African children, with no other changes, quickly reduced fatalities from measles by 50%. Measles can therefore be considered a relatively benign disease among well-nourished children that becomes fatal to those lacking a single nutrient. Dr. John Sommer of the Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health estimates that “improving the Vitamin A status of all deficient children worldwide would prevent as many as three million childhood deaths a year.” The choice facing medical policy makers is between ensuring adequate Vitamin A intake in the overall population and promoting a vaccine as the only solution to the risks associated with measles.

Promoting the vaccine may someday be proven to be an unfortunate one for many children since the vaccine has been linked with the autism epidemic. The extent to which it may be a cause of autism has not been fully established; however, research by Andrew Wakefield, MD (Autism Research Review International, 2002;16:1-3, reprinted from a pre-publication copy of Molecular Pathology, 2002) reveals that autistic individuals have high counts of measles antibodies in their intestinal tracts. The only exposure to measles for these children is through vaccines. These elevated measles antibodies counts are not found in children who do not have autism or intestinal disorders. This study elicited many responses stressing that it failed to prove any causal link between the measles vaccine and autism (BMJ, 2002;324:315), but the search for answers continues.

Autism, in the eyes of a father and researcher

Dr. Bernard Rimland is the founder of the Autism Research Institute. In an article he wrote for the Autism Research Review International [2001;15(3):3], he gives an account of his 45-year endeavor to find a cure for autism ñ an endeavor that began when his son was diagnosed in 1956. Although he held a PhD in experimental psychology, Dr. Rimland had never heard of autism at the time of his son’s diagnosis. His son’s pediatrician, with 35 years experience in practice at the time, had never heard of it either. As incredible as it may sound today, Dr. Rimland reminds us that autism was once a rare occurrence.

Dr. Rimland first turned to mainstream medicine, but did not receive much help. At the time, it was believed that autism was caused by mothers who could not express their love for their children. Today, medicine has fortunately discarded that opinion but still denies that there is any biological basis in autism, embracing instead an unlikely genetic theory. Since by definition there cannot be an epidemic of a genetic illness, medicine holds that there is no epidemic here, only increased awareness leading to more frequent diagnosis. Although autism was said to affect only one in several thousand children just a few decades ago, recent estimates place it at one in 150 children.

Dr. Rimland first became interested in studying diet modification and nutritional supplementation for children with autism after hearing of the work that nutritionally oriented “orthomolecular” psychiatrists were doing with other developmental disorders, including childhood schizophrenia (see Brain Allergies, by William Philpott, MD, ISBN 0-658-00398-4 and Mental and Elemental Nutrients by Carl Pfeiffer, Ph.D, MD, ISBN 0-87983-114-6). After extensive research, Dr. Rimland and his associates found that supplemental amounts of Vitamin B6 and magnesium were helpful to many autistic children. As of this year, 18 studies conducted in six countries show the effectiveness and safety of this nutrient combination and yet medical groups, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, have not endorsed it.

Additional research has shown that dietary avoidance of dairy products and gluten (a protein found in wheat and some other grains) is also beneficial for many autistic children.

Although there are numerous studies today confirming the effectiveness of this therapeutic approach, it continues to lack official endorsement as well.

Vaccines have consistently been implicated as a possible cause of the autism epidemic. Even though this is a very controversial topic and research has never found a definite link between vaccines and autism, there is a great deal of circumstantial evidence suggesting that there is a connection. Dr. Rimland points out that, in the past ten years, the number of vaccines required for a child in the United States before the age of two has risen from eight to 22 and that a majority of parents can trace the onset of their child’s symptoms to a specific vaccination. As Dr. Rimland also notes, many vaccines contain thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative. This leads to the direct injection of mercury, “one of the most poisonous substances on earth” in his words, into infants’ bodies.

For more information, visit http://www.autismresearchinstitute.com.

Institute of Medicine (IOM) sees link between vaccines and autism

The IOM is an agency whose stated purpose is to provide scientific information about medicine to the government and to professionals. It previously had staunchly held the position that vaccines are completely safe. However, in an October 2001 report, the IOM stated that mercury found in vaccines may be linked to the escalating incidence of autism. It also recommends that physicians avoid administering vaccines that contain the mercury-laden preservative thimerosal. Although pharmaceutical companies have stopped using thimerosal in newly produced vaccines, significant stocks of older vaccines that contain the preservative are still available and continue to be in use.

The IOM report is based on a July 16 meeting whose full transcript is available at http://www.iom.edu. In the course of this meeting, Neil Halsey, MD of Johns Hopkins University affirmed that scientists had previously failed to recognize the toxic doses of mercury contained in vaccines because packages label thimerosal content as 0.01%. Apparently, these highly educated scientists had looked at 0.01% as a trivial amount and, until recently, had not thought to convert this percentage figure to its equivalent in micrograms and multiply it by the number of vaccines children receive. When they finally did so, they finally saw that infants were being routinely injected with amounts of mercury considered toxic for adults.

I wonder why this admission comes after manufacturers have been given ample time to substitute thimerosal in vaccine production, and why are the thimerosal-containing vaccines still legal? I also wonder to what extent mercury is the cause behind attention and behavior problems that have reached epidemic proportions in our children. If your child is scheduled for a vaccination, you can now demand that the pediatrician use only vaccines that are free of thimerosal.

Asthma and Allergies: The New Epidemic

An excellent review article recently published in the journal Allergy (2001;56:91-102) discusses the current epidemic of allergic disorders in children and its possible causes. In its introduction, the article points out that the prevalence of asthma in children and young adults has tripled or quadrupled over the last two decades.

Although air pollution is frequently blamed, the authors found little evidence in the research literature to support this hypothesis. They also reported that there is insufficient data to conclude that hormones in the food supply or chemicals in the environment play a role.

However, the authors did find evidence that excessive antibiotics and vaccines are likely causes. Though antibiotics clearly have their place and vaccines have helped eliminate such dreaded diseases as polio, the issue is the indiscriminate use of antibiotics and the trend to inoculate infants and small children with every vaccine available.

The article does not discuss this issue, but limits itself to reviewing various studies that have shown a significant relationship between increased antibiotic and vaccine use and the prevalence of allergic disorders.

For example, a Swedish study found a positive correlation between the MMR vaccine and allergies. Numerous other studies have shown that exposure to infectious agents early in life seems to prime the immune system and prevent the development of allergies later on, and both antibiotics and vaccines limit this exposure. It has also been shown that repeated or long-term antibiotics disrupt the normal bacterial balance of the intestinal tract. This bacteria helps us digest foods, absorb nutrients and has the effect of balancing the immune system, thus preventing the onset of allergies.

CDC Finds Link Between Mercury in Vaccines and Children’s Disorders

It is standard practice for many pharmaceutical companies to use Thimerosal, a mercury-containing preservative, in childhood vaccines. Exposure to mercury is known to cause various symptoms, including sensory disturbances, movement abnormalities and cognitive impairments. Children who receive the full range of recommended vaccines may take in a cumulative amount of mercury that exceeds the federal limits on exposure for adults.

A May 2000 study in the Journal of Pediatrics (Vol. 136, No. 5, pp. 679-681) showed that it is possible to measure a significant increase in mercury in the blood of vaccinated infants.

Last June, a Congressional report1 charged that both the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the FDA had allowed members with financial ties to drug companies to play prominent roles in making decisions about vaccine approval.

After claiming for decades that vaccines are completely safe, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reported that a new preliminary, large-scale study indicates that there is a statistically significant association between mercury from vaccinations and neurological disorders, including tics, ADD, language and speech delay, and other non-specific neurodevelopmental delays. This study is available from http://www.vaccinesafety.edu/ACIP-thim-0621.htm.