Hemochromatosis and iron toxicity
Hemochromatosis is the third most common genetic defect in the United States, affecting one in 150 people. It causes iron to accumulate in the body until it reaches toxic levels and damages the liver, kidneys or heart. This life-threatening disorder does not produce early symptoms, and it is not uncommon for people with hemochromatosis to first learn about it when they are rushed to the hospital.
However, those with this condition can live full and healthy lives if it is identified early and blood iron levels are kept under control and closely monitored. Making regular blood donations is a simple way to keep iron levels down. In addition, the dietary supplement IP6, a rice bran derivative, helps leach excess iron from the body. For more information on IP6, see lewrockwell.com/orig/sardi10.html.
Hemochromatosis is so often missed simply because doctors do not screen for it routinely, even though testing iron level costs only pennies. The reason why this test is so rarely performed is probably linked to the fact that there is no drug treatment for hemochromatosis. I do not believe in conspiracies, but it often seems that it is the pharmaceutical giants that drive medicine today.