Mosquito Update

About two years ago I wrote in my newsletter that I had been finding that taking a capsule or two of vitamin B-1 (thiamine) every day often stopped mosquitos from biting, and a majority of the people who experimented with it said it helped.

Vitamin B-1 is natural, safe, and has other health benefits aside from helping repel mosquitoes. In addition, a bottle containing 100 capsules of vitamin B-1 costs less than $10 at my office. In my opinion, if it works for you it sure beats covering your body with chemicals of questionable safety.

Though it was ineffective for some, in most cases reports have been positive. Yesterday I was reminded of this again when a mother who brings her three children to me said that everyone in her family now takes one capsule of vitamin B-1 a day and mosquitoes are a problem of the past.

For some older children or adults one capsule a day may not be enough, but taking 2 or even 3 is perfectly safe. You may also need to take it an hour or two before you are exposed to mosquitoes for optimal benefits, though many people take it once a day in the morning and find that it protects them for the entire day. If you try this and want to report on its effectiveness please email me at

Sunscreens and Cancer: Your Options

Now that summer is in full force and the sun is brutal most of the time, especially here in Houston, many of us feel we need to cover our bodies with sunscreen every day before we go out. But is that really such a good idea? And will it really prevent cancer?

I have always found it intriguing that while humans evolved under the sun – not in caves – the sun is increasingly blamed for skyrocketing skin cancer rates. If the sun was truly the culprit, and sun block a major defense, wouldn’t rates of skin cancer be dropping and not rising?

The facts, however, tell a different story. Today skin cancer is more common in the United States than all other forms of cancer combined. Its incidence is also growing faster than all other cancers, increasing by 6-7% each year.
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