Hyperbaric oxygen therapy again available at my office

I am happy to announce that I recently added a beautiful new hyperbaric chamber to my practice and that the chamber is now available for anyone wishing to book sessions.

If you are an expert, the chamber is a Vitaeris320 and you can see it and read about it here: http://www.oxyhealth.com/vitaeris-320.html. This chamber is spacious and provides plenty of room for a child and a parent together, or for an adult lying or sitting comfortably. My goal in getting the chamber is to make this form of treatment available at my office, and most importantly to make it available at prices that people can afford.
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Nutritional treatments for mental health: a very interesting seminar

I recently attended a seminar at a beautiful location near Lake Tahoe in California. The topic was Micronutrient Treatment and Research in Mental Health. The two main speakers were Bonnie Kaplan, Ph.D., a University of Calgary researcher who has been investigating the effects of nutritional products in mental health, and Boston psychiatrist Charles Popper, MD.

Dr. Popper was described in the seminar materials as a Child and Adolescent psychiatrist with many professional accomplishments in the field of psychopharmacology, or the use of psychiatric drugs, often in combination, to treat mental disorders. This led me to wonder, while I was on my way to the seminar, if half of the seminar would be dedicated to praising modern drugs.

As it turned out Dr. Popper does have a wealth of experience and knowledge of psychiatric medications, but he no longer uses them, or uses them very sparingly and only when absolutely necessary. Instead, for the past decade Dr. Popper has been treating psychiatric patients with nutritional supplements. Those who come to him on medications are rapidly transitioned to nutrients alone, and only for a minority of patients does he prescribe tiny doses of pharmaceuticals.
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