Midwest mumps outbreak found to affect mostly vaccinated young adults

This is a good one: not only are vaccines laced with poisons, they don’t even work! During the recent and highly publicized mumps outbreak, a mother who had not had her children vaccinated called me in frenzy because her poor children were unprotected against this terrible disease. I told her that I had mumps as a child and was here to talk about it. She then called me back a while later, much calmer, to say that her mother also told her she had it and it wasn’t a big deal. See what drug company marketing is doing to us?

Interestingly, this recent outbreak affected the first generation of young adults who had received in childhood not one but two vaccines against the disease. The mumps also affected them at an age when there is a real risk of complications, which is insignificant during childhood.

I know what my solution to this would be…but I am afraid the authorities will end up mandating a third round of the vaccine.

Read more at http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-mumps24apr24,1,1137276.story

Making kefir

If you would have told me ten years ago that I would be buying raw goat milk from a farm and allowing it to sit out un-refrigerated for 24 hours with gooey globs of friendly bacteria mixed in, I would have told you that you were crazy. If you would have told me that I would encourage my children to drink this stuff and use it daily as an integral part of my own health regimen, I would have told you that you were insane.

Well I am sure you have guessed from the title of this article that indeed this is the path I have taken. What started as an idea very foreign to me has become a completely normal, natural, and very healthy way of life.

I will start with a little background on this wonderful cultured milk drink.

Kefir is an ancient cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with beneficial microorganisms. Kefir’s tart and refreshing flavor is similar to yogurt, yet its consistency is much thinner. It contains beneficial yeast as well as the friendly probiotic bacteria found in yogurt.

More than just beneficial bacteria and yeast, kefir contains minerals, essential amino acids, and is abundant in B vitamins that help the body with healing and maintenance functions. The proteins in kefir are partially digested and therefore more easily utilized by the body.

Since kefir does not have to be heated, it can be made from true raw milk. Kefir can be made from any raw milk including goat, cow, or sheep – although after talking with people and through my own experience I have found that raw goat milk is easier to digest than the others.

There are sources for raw milk that can be picked up at the farm or at various co-ops or farmer’s markets around town. For information see http://realmilk.com/where2.html.

There are some excellent farms in the outlying areas of Houston, and milk can be picked up fresh straight from the farm. Raw milk is perfectly safe as long as you know and trust your source, and are sure it is made according to specific health guidelines.

In the Houston area www.analagoatcompany.com is a dairy goat farm that is licensed by the state to sell raw goat’s milk. The license means that Texas Department of Health personnel inspect the farm every month unannounced and test the milk for purity. Anala also sells their goat milk (frozen) at several farmer’s markets around Houston on different days every week.

For full health benefits, it is especially important to use only raw milk to make kefir because it contains unspoiled healing proteins. The “undenatured” whey proteins found only in raw milk have the ability to bind to toxic metals like mercury inside the body neutralizing them and promoting their excretion from the body.

Pasteurizing milk denatures these proteins causing them to lose their healing properties. It also damages enzymes, diminishes vitamins, destroys vitamin B12, and vitamin B6, and kills beneficial bacteria.

Kefir is made from gelatinous white or yellow particle globules that are then covered in milk and left to culture for at least 24 hours. These globules contain a friendly and complex microorganism mixture clumped together with milk proteins and complex sugars that ferment the milk. These globules incorporate their friendly organisms to create the cultured product.

The globules are then removed with a strainer, and the strained liquid is your kefir to drink. It will continue to improve if you allow this strained kefir to rest in the refrigerator for 24 hours before consuming (although it is perfectly safe to drink immediately). The strained globules will then be added to a new batch of milk. This is all done at room temperature (optimally around 70 to 75 degrees, but will work fine at lower and higher temperatures also)

The comment I hear the most is “I don’t think it turned out right.” My advice is that it is probably fine, and you will become much more confident with kefir the more you make it. Ideally, if you know someone who makes kefir, you could ask to try it, so you know what to expect.

The kefir should be somewhat thicker than the original milk, but that can vary from slightly thicker milk to a thick milkshake consistency. There will be very small white lumps or curds in the kefir; this is normal, and you will not notice them while you are drinking it.

When the kefir is being made it can begin to separate and you will see pockets of clear liquid at the bottom. This is the whey and this, too, it is perfectly normal. To make it easier to strain, just stir everything back together right before you strain it. The kefir should smell a little sour and a bit yeasty. The smell is a pleasant and fresh one.

The easiest and best way to flavor Kefir if you prefer not to drink it plain is simply to add 1 tsp of Frontier No-Alcohol Vanilla or Almond Flavoring and 4 to 6 drops of clear stevia liquid extract (adjusting more or less to taste) into 6oz of homemade kefir and stir to blend.

Processing kefir in a food processor can damage very important components of the raw milk, so if you plan on making a smoothie, it is best to process the fruit and then mix it by hand into the kefir.

For more information and step-by-step instructions and pictures of the kefir making process, see http://users.chariot.net.au/~dna/Makekefir.html

Most farms that produce and sell raw goats milk also provide kefir grains on request. Otherwise they’re available from http://www.gemcultures.com

Are mercury-free vaccines really safer?

I hate to sound like a pessimist, but whenever a product is promoted as being free of some harmful ingredient, I am always suspicious that whatever is used as replacement is just as bad if not worse.

We’ve seen it with sugar-free drinks sweetened with aspartame, which turned out to be toxic to the brain. We’ve seen it cholesterol-free foods that turned out to be loaded with sugar and harmful trans-fats, and the list goes on. Could mercury-free vaccines be one more link in this chain?

This might sound like blasphemy to you, after all what could be worse than mercury? But how sure are you? Certainly no one put mercury in vaccines without a reason. The reason, as it turns out, is that mercury is a very good preservative (nothing can live in it) and, considering the alternatives, it is not especially toxic.

Aluminum hydroxide is one of the mercury replacements being used today. Aluminum, as you may know, is a substance already linked to Parkinson’s disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease), and Alzheimer’s.
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Add osteoporosis drugs to the list of toxic medications

The problem with modern drugs is simple: virtually all of them are made from chemicals that are foreign to the human body and potentially toxic. They might be fine as long as they are used occasionally or for brief periods of time, but when these new drugs are prescribed “forever” you can bet trouble is around the corner.

An article just published in the New York Times reveals that women who have been on the common osteoporosis drugs are now coming down with osteonecrosis of the jaw, a condition where parts of the jaw bone deteriorate and then die. This is apparently becoming so common that some dentists refuse to treat women on these medications or ask them to stop taking them for some time before dental work. However, this precaution is unlikely to help since these chemicals remain in bones for years after being discontinued.

For the full article, go to http://www.nytimes.com/2006/06/02/health/02jaw.html. What the Times calls a “mysterious side effect” is not a mystery at all to me. I even anticipate that in time we will see this complication develop at other sites as well, not only in the jaw. In fact when these drugs first came out skeptics remarked that while they increased bone density, they also caused the quality of the bones to deteriorate – so we could say that this outcome was predicted from the beginning.
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Is it TV that causes criminal behavior in children (or is it what they eat in front of it)?

The debate over whether watching crime shows on TV instigates crime will probably never end. Supporters of this theory hold that impressionable youths copy behaviors they see on TV.

An article recently published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine suggests that the link between TV and crime may have a different cause: junk food. Yes, because as it turns out children who watch a lot of TV also consume vastly more junk food than their peers, possibly because of ads they see or maybe just because they just sit around all the time.

Is this just a wild theory designed for the joy and comfort of nutritionists like myself? Not so, at least if you pay any attention to the dozens of studies that link junk food diets with violent and antisocial behaviors.

In one of the studies researchers looked at jailed chronic offenders aged 13 to 17. After analyzing their diets researchers found that they consumed on average 63% of the iron, 42% of the magnesium, 39% of the zinc, 39% of the vitamin B12, and 34% of the folic acid recommended by the US government.

The researchers then gave half the subjects a supplement containing the vitamins and minerals they were missing and the other half a placebo. They also counseled all the all the youths about the importance of healthy diet and then made healthier meals available to all.

Sure enough, all those who heeded the advice and changed their diets experienced a drop in violent episodes. Those who changed their diets while receiving a placebo experienced a 50% drop – which seems pretty amazing to me – but the ones who were given the vitamin and mineral supplement in addition to changing their diets experienced an 80% drop in violent events. Of course no change was observed among inmates who did not change their diets.

Not only did the number of violent incidents drop, researchers also recorded brainwave patterns through EEG and found marked improvements after 13 weeks on supplements.

Read more about this at: http://society.guardian.co.uk/health/comment/0,,1765619,00.html and at www.monbiot.com (scroll down to “Feeding Crime”).

Methyl-B12 helps – here’s why

For years I have been recommending a form of vitamin B12 called methyl-B12 for children with autism and ADHD, and more recently also for people suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFIDS), Fibromyalgia (FM), and other conditions.

Although many of us have observed the positive effects of this vitamin on speech, focus and more, there has been relatively little discussion about why it helps, and particularly why this form of B12 and not others can make such a remarkable difference.

Recently I found an informative summary of the benefits of methyl-B12 on a website dedicated to providing help and resources for people with CFIDS and FM. According to this article, other conditions that benefit from this vitamin include Parkinson’s disease, peripheral neuropathies, Alzheimer’s, MS, and more. Neither autism nor ADHD were listed, although we know only too well the benefits of methyl-B12 for children suffering from these conditions.
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More evidence links mercury exposure and autism

While it becomes more and more evident that the relationship between mercury in vaccines and autism is valid, other sources of mercury appear to be implicated as well.

In a study performed right here in Texas (Health Place, 2006 Jun; 12 (2): 203-9 or online in its entirety at http://www.seedcoalition.org/downloads/autism_study_UTHSCSA.pdf), investigators tried to determine if there was any link between mercury released from coal-burning power plants and the number of autism diagnoses. Coal-burning power plants are the primary source of mercury released in the atmosphere, although it is not the same type of mercury used in vaccines.

Researchers from the University of Texas used data from counties across the state to establish how much mercury was being released and the number of children diagnosed with autism or enrolled in special education classes in the same community. They concluded that for every 1,000 lb of mercury released in the environment there was a 43% increase in the rate of special education services and 61% increase in the rate of autism. Clearly they found a smoking gun!

Meanwhile, another interesting study was performed in Denmark, a country where people eat plenty of fish. Researchers measured the amount of methyl mercury – the type of mercury found in contaminated in fish – in the umbilical cord of newborn babies. They then checked these same children at age 7 and concluded that the amount of mercury at birth was an excellent predictor of neuro-psychological problems later in life.

Environ Health Perspect. 2005 Jul; 113 (7): 905-8