Soy is not good for you!

If you think that soy-derived foods are good for you or your child you may want to read the book “The Whole Soy Story” (see One study showed that feeding soy to pregnant rats increased the risk of breast cancer in their offspring. I know we’re not rats, but when it comes to breast cancer we may want to take note (Oncol Rep. 1999 Sep-Oct; 6 (5): 1089-95). Another more recent rat study showed that giving genistein, which is found in all soy products, to female baby rats caused changes in mammary development and hormone receptors, while higher doses permanently affected development. See

If it’s not in your head it could be parasites

Parasites and parasitic infections make most of us think of exotic diseases like malaria or Montezuma’s revenge, but could it actually be that parasites are affecting our health right here in modern-day America and other “developed” countries?

The answer may very well be a resounding yes. According to parasite expert Omar Amin, Ph.D., who runs a lab specializing in parasite diagnostics in Tempe, Arizona, a full 30% of people tested at his lab are positive for at least one parasite. This doesn’t quite equate to 30% of Americans having parasites, because the lab tests mostly symptomatic individuals who are more likely to be infected, but it’s nevertheless an impressive number. Find several articles by Dr. Amin and read about his lab at
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Confirmed: organic foods are healthier

Two new studies are confirming what common sense told us years ago: that eating an organic diet leads to better health. A research team from Emory University analyzed the urine of children aged three to 11 who ate a fully organic diet and found that it did not contain any traces of common pesticides. However, as soon as these children returned to eating conventionally grown foods, levels of pesticides in their urine climbed dramatically. In the meantime, a new British study revealed that the mineral content of common foods has declined as much as 70% over the past 70 years. Find more at and

Melatonin for more than just sleep

Are you aging and don’t feel as sharp as you used to? Do you have macular degeneration or other vision problems? Were you diagnosed with breast cancer, or other estrogen-sensitive cancer? Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome or do you have an ulcer? Research is showing increasingly that people suffering from these and other conditions, in addition to those with sleep-related problems, can benefit from taking melatonin every night as a supplement.

The major concern I hear from people who consider taking melatonin is that it is a hormone and they worry that taking it as a supplement could impair the body’s ability to make its own. I understand their concern because many other hormones, including thyroid and sex hormones, have been shown to have such an inhibiting effect. However, this does not appear to take place with melatonin. Based on the studies I have seen, even administration of enormous doses of melatonin in experimental animals did not alter the body’s production of nighttime melatonin (see J Pineal Res. 1996 Nov; 21 (4): 231-8 and others like it).
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Breast Cancer and Evening Primrose Oil

While genetic research on cancer has yielded almost nothing, this can be counted as a rare exception: women who carry the genetic variant known as Her-2/neu have a dramatically increased risk of breast cancer, estimated to be as high as 80%, although it only accounts for 10% of breast cancer cases in the US.

Recent research indicates that fatty acids found in Evening Primrose Oil reduce expression of the Her-2/neu protein, which is what causes the high risk of cancer. Taking this oil can therefore both reduce the risk of contracting the disease and help improve treatment outcomes. In addition, taking this supplement at the same time as Herceptin, a medication often prescribed for women with this genetic trait, improved the effectiveness of the drug by 30 to 40% (J Natl Cancer Inst. 2005 Nov 2; 97 (21): 1611-5).

Also read about this study at

Lead: a bigger problem than meets the eye

While a great deal of attention has been focused on the damaging effects of mercury, at least in alternative medicine circles, the other major toxic metal – lead – may have been
overlooked. Recently, two very interesting articles on this topic were published in the journal Alternative Medicine Review. The abstracts for both articles can be found at PubMed by searching under Altern Med Rev. 2006 Mar; 11 (1): 2-22 and Altern Med Rev. 2006 Jun; 11 (2): 114-127. To obtain the full articles with citations, contact the publisher at The following piece will summarize parts of these articles while adding some of my personal observations and experiences, but no citations are included.

The thought of lead toxicity evokes images of lead in paint and gasoline, and since both of these were phased out decades ago, it is only understandable that many of us think of lead as a problem of the past. It is also a fact that since lead was removed from gasoline and paint blood levels of lead in Americans have dropped markedly, further suggesting that this is no longer a health issue. However, on closer inspection it is apparent that blood levels tell only part of the story and that the problem of lead toxicity is still very much a reality.

If we only consider the leaded paint still present in older homes, the EPA recently estimated that as many as 25% of American children are exposed to a significant hazard from leaded paint. Much of this paint is deteriorating to the point where it now releases more lead than it did previously, leading to contamination of dust and soil in surrounding areas – including backyards where children play.

Lead is also a persistent environmental toxin. This means that, once released into the environment, it stays there almost indefinitely. As an example, lead released into the air over the years before leaded gasoline was banned is doing nothing other than continuing to spread through the environment and turning up in the most unexpected places. An article I recently read in an Italian online newspaper described the high concentrations of lead found in the deep Mediterranean waters surrounding Italy. Through highly sophisticated analysis, it was concluded that this lead had originated from gasoline. Though lead from gasoline would normally precipitate and not dissolve in seawater, in this case it had fully dissolved through environmental action spanning decades.

Lead also continuesto be released, as a result of various industrial processes, through imported products like toys or vinyl miniblinds that were mislabeled or not properly inspected or through old lead water pipes still in use and new plumbing components in which limited amounts of lead are still allowed.

As it turns out, much of our nation’s drinking water supply is contaminated with lead to varying degrees. To deal with this situation, municipalities add a decontaminating chemical that causes lead to precipitate so that city water can pass inspection. However, this same chemical then leaches more lead from lead pipes or other lead components in the plumbing system, resulting in high lead content where it really counts: at the tap.

To get an idea of the extent of the problem, consider that drinking water in schools in the Seattle area was found to be contaminated in 2005 even after positive tests performed in
2004 had triggered major investments to replace drinking fountains and fixtures. In 2004 in the DC area, the EPA reported that the water in 23,000 homes known to have lead service pipes was contaminated. In some cases, the amount of lead found was 20 times higher than the EPA’s action levels. According to the EPA this represents only a fraction of the problem because there are “many public water supplies where water is not being tested, or if it is tested, where the information is not promptly or fully communicated to consumers.”

In my opinion, everyone should use simple and inexpensive home testing kits available online (I also have them at my office) to test the water in their homes even if they don’t drink it but use it for cooking and other purposes. When I did this test at my office, which is in a duplex built in the 1930’s, I got a clear positive result. Much to my surprise, I also got a positive result, although weaker, in my home that was built in 2001.

The mother of a child who continues to test positive for lead even after more than a year of treatment recently also got a clear positive result when she tested tap water in her home.

Although she and her family do not drink the tap water, they use it for bathing and her son has a habit of always swallowing some of the bath water. As it turned out, city authorities were aware of the lead situation in her part of town, but had taken no action because in city-sponsored tests the lead levels were a fraction below EPA limits.

Part of why the impact of lead on health is widely underestimated is that blood tests are the only medically recognized means of identifying exposure to lead. Children in America are screened this way at regular pediatric check-ups, but this method of testing has clear limitations.

First of all, it is well known that, following exposure, lead remains in blood only briefly before being stored in organs and tissues where it does its damage over time. Clearly, there are two ways in which toxic levels of lead can be attained: through high-level exposure, which will produce transiently high blood levels, or through prolonged low-level exposure where blood levels are never abnormally high. The latter is what’s happening in most cases today.

Another problem is that the threshold for lead toxicity was arbitrarily set at 10 mcg/dl in blood for children and even higher for adults. This was based on decades-old research, but new studies are revealing beyond any doubt that much lower blood levels can be equally toxic – sometimes even more so if sustained over time.

A better test – though not a perfect one – is a challenge test, where a product that draws lead from tissues and causes it to be excreted is administered intravenously or orally and then urine levels are measured. An impassioned endorsement of this form of testing is contained in the book “Turning Lead into Gold.” However, this testing method has never been accepted as a valid medical test and I hear that some physicians who use it routinely are being threatened with disciplinary action and even loss of license.

You may wonder why there is so much opposition to this test. One criticism leveled against it is that there are no clear standards or broadly accepted normal ranges. This is a valid (though weak) argument, as it seems to me that a group of resourceful professionals should have little trouble coming up with adequate standards. Maybe what’s really lacking is a will to acknowledge the extent to which lead is affecting our health.

Once in the body, lead is harmful for every aspect of health and at every age. A new study that can be downloaded in its entirety from is entitled “Fetal Lead Exposure at Each Stage of Pregnancy as a Predictor of Infant Mental Development.” Researchers measured blood levels of lead in pregnant women at every trimester of pregnancy and at birth in umbilical blood. They later found a direct relationship between levels of lead in mothers’ blood and deficits in children’s neurological development. In fact, researchers identified a continuum of adverse effects beginning at levels of lead that were barely measurable. In addition, the earlier on in pregnancy lead was found, the more profound its effects.

In children, chronic low-level exposure to lead has been linked with hyperactivity, attention deficit, poor impulse control, lack of coordination, inability to follow sequential directions, lowered IQ, and more. These behaviors are exactly what millions of children are treated for with amphetamines and other synthetic drugs merely to control their symptoms, while no consideration is given to possible causes (including lead exposure).

In adults, the first and most widely researched symptom of low-level exposure to lead is high blood pressure, a problem most Americans seem to be developing as they age. Yet, no one is told of a possible link to lead, and no effort is made to identify those who might have built up toxic levels of this metal. It could be all of us!

But the damaging effects of lead go far beyond high blood pressure. Lead induces oxidative damage to tissues, increasing the risk of every “disease of aging” including heart disease, stroke, cancer, and more. It also damages peripheral nerves, causing tingling or loss of sensation in the extremities. Lead has been linked with kidney disorders, impotence, depression, anxiety, and even osteoporosis. New Japanese research found that low-level exposure to lead can be the hidden cause of high cholesterol (see

70% or more of the lead we are exposed to is stored in our bones, from where it leaches out at a very slow rate that can go on for a lifetime if steps to remove it are not taken. The remaining 30% is stored in the brain, liver, kidneys and other organs.

Treatment to reverse or lessen the effects of lead should be directed at both removing the lead and using specific nutrients to counter or mitigate its adverse health effects and
promote recovery of damaged organs.

Removal of lead from the body has traditionally been achieved primarily with two pharmaceutical products, EDTA and DMSA. Both of these are well-researched, safe and effective. Not only that, their effectiveness can be measured and monitored through regular pre- and post-testing. Although these products are not universally tolerated, at least one of them usually is, and side effects are rare when used appropriately under competent guidance.

By contrast, the internet is replete with claims that products of every kind can produce almost miraculous results, cure cancer, and more. Most of these products simply do not work and are promoted heavily based on questionable testimonials without even the most basic research to support their effectiveness. However, one natural product I like and recommend is called Pectasol Chelation Complex. It contains modified citrus pectin, a fiber that has been shown in various studies to remove lead and other toxic metals from the body. In a recently published study this product was shown to increase lead excretion an average 500% (Phytother Res. 2006 Jul 11; find under PMID: 16835878).

The process of removing lead and other toxic metals from the body is known as chelation (pronounced key-lay-shun). While this step is essential, if not implemented correctly it can itself be harmful because at the same time as lead is taken out of the body minerals that are essential for health are also lost.

As noted above, removing the lead is simply not enough. Targeted nutrients should be taken to lessen the harmful effects of lead and repair the damage it causes. Nutrients that have been shown to have beneficial effects include antioxidants like vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene, as well as melatonin, grape seed extract, alpha-lipoic acid, and more. Amino acids, including taurine, have also been shown to neutralize some of the damaging effects of lead on the brain and should be considered as part of a balanced program.

Toxic chemicals study results

In a recent study, ten Washington State residents from all walks of life were tested for various classes of toxic chemicals, all of which are known to have adverse health effects of
some type. Read about the study, meet the participants and find out what chemicals were found on this website: Allyson Schrier is one of the study
participants you can read about. She tested positive for 30 of 39 chemicals tested. Among these, researchers found DDT, a pesticide that was banned more than 30 years ago.