Must Read Gluten-Free Books

Contributed by Allison Medford-Plesko

Going gluten-free can be extremely overwhelming. Below is a list of books that are helpful, especially when beginning a gluten-free diet. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.

Going Against the Grain by Melissa Smith
This is the book Dr. Volpe recommends to all his patients who are switching to a gluten-free diet. It is easy to read and extremely informative.

Gluten Free on a Shoestring: 125 Easy Recipes for Eating Well on the Cheap by Nicole Hunn
Gluten-free food is pricey. This book gives great advice and tips for saving money.

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Gluten-Free Eating by Eve Adamson
This is a very extensive guide to being gluten-free. It has everything from a week’s worth of menus to a list of foods you can and cannot eat.

The Essential Gluten-Free Grocery Guide

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, 5th Edition (2012) by Triumph Dining
This guide makes shopping easier and a little less overwhelming.

The Essential Gluten Free Restaurant Guide, 5th Edition by Triumph Dining.
This is really good for traveling with kids. It lists restaurants with gluten-free menus by state and city.

Living Gluten Free for Dummies by Danna Korn
Everything is in this one book. It includes tips to help your child transition into the gluten-free lifestyle as well as many more helpful tools.

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