New pathogen in GM crops found to affect animal health

Genetically modified (GM) crops now account for the majority of soybeans, corn, cotton and other major crops grown in the United States – see They are also a major component of U.S. food exports, our human diet, and often account for the entire feed of cattle, poultry and other farm animals.

GM plants are altered profoundly from the defining characteristics that differentiate a plant from an animal or bacteria in nature. For example, so-called “Roundup Ready” GM corn, soy and other crops carry a bacterial gene that makes them resistant to the powerful herbicide Roundup.

Without this extra gene, they would succumb to the application of Roundup at the same rate as weeds and other grasses. With the bacterial gene – given that Roundup does not kill bacteria – the GM plants survive unscathed. Does that make them plants or bacteria? And – more importantly – is it now conceivable that they could cause infections or other health effects that are typical of bacteria?

As alarming as this may seem, our government authorities welcomed GM crops as part of societal progress with a general presumption of safety, and require little research prior to releasing new crops. Given our busy lives it is easy for us to ignore this entire topic – after all food looks and tastes the same as ever.

Jeffrey Smith has been trying, almost single-handedly, to alert the public about the dangers of GM foods through his books and lectures, as well as his informative website – see

Meanwhile a new emergency is brewing in our farms. In many areas of the country livestock raised entirely on GM foods have been experiencing a rate of infertility topping 20% and spontaneous abortions as high as 45%.

According to plant expert and Professor Emeritus Don Huber of Purdue University, this animal health crisis is caused by a pathogen released by Roundup Ready crops. Not only that, but this pathogen can also be harmful to other plants – and potentially to humans.

The pathogen was identified by a team of scientists who found it to be a direct cause of both infertility and spontaneous abortions. Professor Huber also points out that cattle raised on non-GM crops have experienced no infertility or spontaneous abortions.

Read more about this research here: Meanwhile , remember that today the organic label is the only guarantee that a plant is not genetically modified.

One Response to “New pathogen in GM crops found to affect animal health”

  1. The U.S. population has historically placed a considerable degree of trust in the regulatory oversight provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and its agencies. There is little tradition of people having a close relationship with their food, with the overwhelming majority of people having bought their food in supermarkets for years. But the 2003 survey by the Pew Research Center showed that even in the U.S., 55% see GM food as “bad” food. A 2010 survey found that over one third of U.S. consumers were very or extremely concerned about GM food, a 3% reduction from 2008.