Preventing Swine Flu and the flu in general, and avoiding vaccine side effects
Although to date the H1N1 (or “swine flu”) vaccine has not been released, there is already talk about it becoming mandatory. Concern among parents and others, including people who have not vaccinated before, is that this time they should.
When deciding whether to vaccinate of not, consider that even though swine flu has spread rapidly across the world, most people who had it experienced unusually mild flu symptoms. In rare cases it affects the lungs causing pneumonia, which could become life-threatening.
Though I believe that the risk of these severe complications can be all but eliminated with a few natural precautions, no one can prove definitively that this is so.
Also consider that the swine flu vaccine is not just the usual flu vaccine adapted to a new strain, it is a newly engineered vaccine. Given how quickly it is being developed, it is impossible to rule out the risk of potentially severe side effects that may only become apparent after the vaccine is released in the population.
There is a historic precedent to this. In 1976 the United States was hit by a similar swine flu virus and, just like today, there was a great deal of concern for its possible deadly consequences. Also just as we are seeing now, there was a huge rush to produce a vaccine that, once released, was found to cause an often-fatal neurological disorder called Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS).
The vaccine was rapidly withdrawn, yet in spite of this by the end of that flu season far more people had died from the vaccine than the swine flu. Today, previously announced release dates for the vaccines have met with delays and – according to some reports – the reason is that researchers are finding the new vaccine also causes GBS. To read more on this topic go to
Ultimately, to vaccinate or not to vaccinate is a decision everyone must make for themselves and their children; given the lack of certainty about outcomes, no one can be judgmental about anyone’s personal decision. Following are some tips for precautions you can take whether you decide to vaccinate or not.
If you don’t vaccinate here’s what I recommend to help prevent the flu (both seasonal and swine) and what you can do if the flu hits anyway:
1. Vitamin C: 4,000 mg for adults if tolerated. If you experience gas or diarrhea reduce this dose to the highest amount tolerated. For children reduce the dose in relation to their weight.
2. Vitamin D3: 4,000 units once a day for adults, 2,000 for children
3. Flucomune: an herbal mix designed to strengthen immunity, prevent the cold and flu and moderate allergies. 1 capsule three times a day with food for adults and proportionately less for children. Double the dose if you feel you are coming down with a cold or the flu.
4. A good-quality probiotic (beneficial bacteria) such as TherBiotic. Even though probiotics have to do with intestinal health research has found that they help reduce both the fever and duration of the flu. This is because by improving intestinal health, probiotics also help normalize immunity.
5. A good-quality multivitamin mineral supplement
6. IGG SD: a dairy-free immune-boosting protein, two capsules twice a day for adults and half that much for children. I usually add it to my recommendations for people who tend to become ill easily.
7. Should you start to experience symptoms of the flu add the supplement NAC. Take 1 capsule three times a day for adults and proportionately less for children. This is an amino acid (protein) that helps clear the lungs and prevent pneumonia from developing. If you suffer from chronic bronchitis, or flu bugs tend to affect your lungs you can take it as a preventative for the entire flu season.
If you do decide to vaccinate, or if you have to do so because the vaccine is made mandatory, I found the following recommendations from Russell Blaylock, MD to be interesting. Dr. Blaylock is known for researching the toxicity of MSG in the central nervous system. More recently he has researched the mechanisms by which vaccines cause neurological damage. Here is a summary of his recommendations:
1. Place a cold pack immediately on the injection site and continue placing cold packs on the area throughout the day. This will slow down immune reactions, hopefully preventing an extreme reaction that could lead to auto-immune disease or other serious side effect.
2. Take fish oil (be careful, some can be contaminated with mercury so quality is very important).
3. Take a mix of flavonoids containing curcumin and quercetin. These are in a product called BCQ.
4. Take extra vitamin E.
5. Vitamins C, D and a multivitamin as indicated above, plus additional zinc if needed.
6. Avoid products that stimulate the immune system. These would include the supplement called IGG SD recommended above as well as all mushroom extracts.
All of these products are available from my office or in my Online Store. Similar products may also be found in health food stores.